Do not ignore 5 signs of major health problems !
Garlic as a remedy against bacteria and fungi
Your hair falls? Here when you need to worry and when to ask Help .
Yoga exercises to reduce weight .
With a glass of salt water per day to better health: Here’s Why!
Why do people with blood group 0 are special ?
Vegetarianism. Types vegetarians
Worldwide more people are interested in vegetarianism and a growing number of people who due to various reasons giving up meat and products of animal origin. Many moving toward a vegetarian diet because animal welfare and the environment, or because of their own health, but in another part vegetarians...
Vaginal discharge. Everything You Need to Know !
Vaginal discharge is one of the most common gynecological symptoms. This problem women experience exclusively subjective – some women and a small amount of vaginal discharge causes discomfort, others despite substantiality leachate does not feel discomfort. Because of this subjectivity complicates detecting whether indeed present a health problem or...
Is it better to take a shower in the morning or evening ?
Showering habits are individual work, but the availability of water most people in the developed world today shower daily. Overall, showering is considered healthier cleaning of bathing, which involves sitting in a water filled with dead cells and impurities. Experts warn that daily showering, however pleasant and desirable in...