This Mother Lost Her Child, Because She Made A Mistake On Facebook. Keep Your Eyes Open!
If you don’t know we will tell you. Internet is not only helpful thing in our life. It is also dangerous for us and our kids. One mother had to learn that painfully. She told her story and everyone should read this article!
Let’s start. Firstly you should imagine that you are log on Facebook and at that moment you get a friend request from a stranger. Stranger means that you don’t know who is that. Profile seems to be okey, it has a good profile picture and you mean that that is a real person who is friendly. So then you accept the request. Just like that. What could go wrong …?!?
You forgotten that after some time you will post something about your kids like photo from first day of school, birthday or something else. At that moment you forgotten that recently you add a stranger on your facebook account. And for that the consequences are terrifying.
Because it could happen this: the stranger you add recently save some of your pictures and uploaded it to an online catalogue and sent it to hundreds of men around the world! Her writes underneath it:
“Youngblood, American girl. Not even 6 years old! Only 10,000 dollars!”
You don’t know what is happening but everyone we see that and after some time you will probably ask someone : Have you seen my kid?
Nothing of this wouldn’t happen if you don’t made the mistake like this! So be careful what you are posting on facebook and also follow our advice :
STOP FRIENDING STRANGERS ON FACEBOOK! It’s better to have one less “friend” than to live through this horror story.
We must never forget this message because some of us meet strangers on the internet and are ‘’friend’’ with him or she. Reject friend requests from strangers! And most importantly: No pictures of children! Because they often land in the wrong hands. Pedophiles often look for such openness. In real life, you wouldn’t show everyone your private life, right? Here you can watch how to protect your profile from privacy abuse.
Please share this important warning with all your friends! It can prevent a tragedy.
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