10 Surprising Health Benefits of Beer

Do you drink Beer?

I found the following article by Lisa Collier Cool on Yahoo! Health and thought you may enjoy it.

In this article Lisa mentions the following benefits all which have been demonstrated in various scientific studies from all over the world to come from drinking Beer:

  1. Stronger Bones
  2. A Stronger Heart
  3. Healthier Kidneys
  4. A Healthier Brain
  5. Reduced Risk of Cancer
  6. Boosting Vitamin Levels
  7. Guarding Against Stroke
  8. Reduced Risk for Diabetes
  9. Lower Blood Pressure
  10. Longer Life

Keep in mind, most of these studies came from Europe where beer is (in most cases) a living food brewed with standards like Germany’s Reinheitsgebot law of 1516 – (the purity in brewing law).

For you beer lovers it turns out Local Beer may be better!

As some local brewers may produce ‘un-pasteurized’ (ideally organic) beer which may help to help produce more of the above benefits than pasteurized beer. This is because un-pasteurized beer can contain higher levels of enzymes, minerals vitamins and antioxidants.

(Note: The key as Lisa points out to tapping into Beer’s Benefits comes from drinking in moderation. Most studies consistently demonstrated that drinking 2 beers per day for Men and 1 per day for Women provided the above benefits. While drinking more than this amount could contribute to liver damage, some cancers, and becoming overweight).


Source : top10homeremedies.com