7 Home Remedies for A Toothache that will Make the Pain go Away

A toothache is not something that is new or modern.

If you think about it, even the first cavemen suffered from cavity, and they had no dentists around to help them.

So, in a way, natural home remedies for toothache have been around for a while.

There are reasons why natural remedies still persist, despite the fact that you can find a dentist in a one block radius.

For starters, some people still have fear of treatment, and especially fear of dentists.

Additionally, some people are just firm believers in natural remedies.

And last but not least, some people lack the time to visit the dentist.

With that being said, I will recommend you several home remedies for toothache that work, and they will help with your pain.

Clove Oil

Thanks to its natural richness with eugenol, a natural anesthetic, clove oil are the perfect home remedy for a toothache.

You can sprinkle few drops on a cotton ball and apply the ball to the tooth that hurts you.

The clove oil will help numb the affected area temporarily.

However, I must warn you, this is a temporary solution, and if clove oil comes in contact with some other sensitive areas, you might feel pain on your tongue as well.

Peppermint Tea Bags

One of the safest ways to battle toothache, peppermint is effective as it can calm sensitive skin and has numbing properties.

There are two ways you can use peppermint tea bags for your toothache.

The first one is by applying cooled tea bag on the affected area.

The second way is to put the peppermint tea bag in the freezer, and then apply it to the throbbing area.

One downside, same as with the clove oil, the pain will come back after approximately one hour after you remove the tea bags.

Bourbon-Soaked Cotton Ball

A word of notice, this treatment is only for adults.

It is not safe for kids as the hard liquor will get in contact with their mouth.

As with most alcohols, bourbon has strong numbing properties.

What you want to do is dip the cotton ball in bourbon, and then cover the throbbing area with it.

As with many other home remedies for a toothache on this list, the solution is only temporary.


One of the best antibiotics out there, garlic can inhibit the growth of the bacteria that is causing your tooth to hurt.

The best way to use garlic for a toothache is to mash a garlic clove and salt, and once you get the smooth paste to apply it on the throbbing area.

However, if you feel like going hard-core, you can get some garlic glove and chew it.

This home remedy is safe, but it relieves from pain only temporary.

Pepper and Salt

Salt and pepper carry antibacterial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties that will calm the throbbing area and relieve pain.

For this home remedy, mix equal amounts of the two ingredients and add few drops of water.

Mix the ingredients until you get a paste, and then apply the paste on the throbbing area.

Let it stay there for few minutes.

Guava Leaves

As they have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties, fresh guava leaves can come in handy when battling toothache.

Get some leaves, put them in your mouth and chew until the juice they extract starts working on your throbbing area.

You can also use guava leaves as a mouthwash to relieve pain from a toothache.

Put about five leaves in water, boil it, and after the solution has cooled down, add some salt.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract contains some alcohol, and we already established that alcohol has a numbing effect.

Additionally, the scent of the vanilla is relaxing and soothing.

The best way to use vanilla extract is to apply it on a cotton ball, and rub the ball on your throbbing area.

Alternatively, you can also put some vanilla extract on your finger, and rub your tooth and gum.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore A toothache

While I know for certain that the home remedies I suggested you will work for your toothache, I also must warn you.

Treating the pain is not enough.

Even if the pain from your toothache stops, you absolutely must check your overall teeth health at your dentist.

The reason why I say this is because toothache symptoms can be caused by some severe problems that you shouldn’t ignore.

For starters, toothache is usually caused by cavities, tooth enamel erosion, sinus pressure, bruxism, inflammation of the pulp in the teeth, joint disorder, periodontitis, and sometimes, even heart attack and angina.