This Exercise Is More Powerful Than 1,000 Sit-Ups Spare 60 Seconds A Day And In Only A Month You Will Have A Flat Stomach!
For many people the sit-ups are the most disliked exercise, and yet many want a straight and sturdy stomach. Fortunately, fitness experts have found a solution which, they claim, can replace even a 1,000 sit-ups.
This is a static exercise in which all the weight of the body lays on the hands and toes, and the body is straight as a board.
In carrying out this exercise, the body cannot move an inch, and this is the way to a flat and sturdy stomach,as well as to the painless back, because the strong abdominal muscles support the spine.
If you practice this exercise several times a week for ten minutes a day, you will have better results than if you did a 1,000 sit-ups.
Before performing this exercise make sure that your body is in the correct starting position, and respect these five points:
- Press your palms firmly on the floor and stretch your shoulders so that they are as distant from each other as possible, making sure that your neck is elongated. Your hands should be comfortable, not like they are about to loosen up.
- Most of the work is in the abdominal muscles, but you should also feel “fire” in your legs.
If you do not have that feeling, set your heels further relying on the toes of the feet so that the quadriceps are more tensed, and then squeeze your buttocks in order to activate the muscles in the lower body.
- Hold the buttocks lower, not higher. Your body must be as a straight line, and not as a triangle.
- To make holding this body posture a bit easier, you need to breathe in and out rhythmically.
- To make sure that your body is straight, imagine a glass of water balancing on your lower back or that a ball rolls from the nape to heel without being stuck in the lower back
The procedure of doing this exercise:
- Press your hands and knees on the floor so that your wrists are in line with your shoulders and your back is straight. Lift your look about 30 inches in front of you. Your nose needs to be facing the floor and the back of your head needs to be parallel to the ceiling.
- Extend your right leg to back so that the fingers are bent and then extend your left leg. At this position your whole body weight should layon your hands and toes.
- Now tight up your entire midsection area muscles and hold them like that for about 20 to 60 seconds.
- Lower your knees to the floor and sit on your heels so that the thumbs are touching while the knees are separated.
- Then lower your torso to your thighs, while lightly touching the floor with your forehead. Fully extend your arms in front of you and relax.
- Repeat this exercise three times. When performing this exercises becomes easier, extend the time for more than 60 seconds.
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