5 Simple Stretches To Burn Belly Fat Quickly
Belly fat is one of the most common reasons that make a man or woman more conscious so they prize them with different names too due to their pot belly. No doubt, belly fat looks aesthetically displeasing. Belly fat is actually the most dangerous type of fat – besides aesthetics, large waist lines are indicators of –disease-disease-disease. Dieting and exercise go hand in hand.
Rapid weight loss or fat loss diets are not too healthy to try. However cutting down on fatty food and practicing a 5-minute fat burning workout can bring a huge change in your life. While there’s no “magic bullet” that will target abdominal fat in particular, this article will show you how to expand waistline and how you can make that spare tire go away.
If you practised daily, you can reduce your abdominal fat really quick!
- Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
This pose strengthens the core of the abs. In order to fully reach the potential, you should rock back and forth while holding this pose in order to massage the abdominal area. This also puts the digestive system to work and fights constipation as well as giving the entire body, especially the back, a nice big stretch. Lie down in a comfortable position, legs straight together and arms by your side. – Bend your knees and hold your feet’s ankle. – Inhale in and bend your back backward. – Hold this posture for 15-30 seconds. – Exhale out and slowly bring yourself back to the base position. – Repeat this for at least 5 rounds.
- Boat Pose (Naukasana)
This is one of the most sought after yoga postures that will guarantee you a flatter belly with regular practice. While holding the posture for more than a minute helps in contracting the abdominal muscles, the posture, when done in a boat-like movement, helps in toning your abs. Lie down on a mat in supine position legs together and stretched, arms to your sides facing down.
– On inhalation, start raising your legs without bending at the knees.
– Stretch your foot and your toes outward.
– Raise the legs as high as possible.
– Now raise both arms keeping them straight, attempting to reach towards your toes.
– Attempt to bring your body as close to 45 degree angle.
– Breathe normally.
– Hold this pose at least 15 seconds.
– Gently exhale as you release.
– Repeat this for at least 5 rounds with relaxation for 15 secs after each round.
- Wind relieving pose (Pavanamukthasana)
This yoga pose Massages colon, regulates acid levels of stomach, cure constipation and improves melabolism,relieves lower back pain, firms and tones the muscles of abdomen,tighs and hips. Lie down in a comfortable position with your arms beside and keep your legs straight. – Exhale out and bend your knees and bring them near your chest so that you feel a pressure on your stomach. – Hold that position for some time. – Now again exhale and lift your chin so that it touches your knees. – Exhale and Inhale deeply and hold the position for 90 seconds. – Exhale out and bring yourself back to the base position. – Repeat the asana for at least 5 times. – Repeat these poses daily.
- Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
This pose will strengthen the back, abdomen and entire upper body.it also makes the spine flexible and strong. down comfortably so that your stomach touches the ground and place your forehead on the ground. –Keep your elbows parallel. – Your chin and toes should touch the floor. – Inhale and raise your chest upwards and try to bend backwards. – Hold this position for 30 seconds –Exhale out slowly and come back to the base position. – Repeat this for at least 5 times.
- Khumbhakasana
This yoga pose is one of the most effortless but most effective in burning belly ft. It also tones and strengthens the shoulders, arms, back, thighs, and buttocks. Start with your hands and knees right underneath your shoulders and hips Tuck the toes under and start to step your feet back in order to extend your legs behind your body While inhaling, look just ahead of your palms so your neck and spine are aligned and hold in your ab muscles From your head to your heels, your body should form a straight line. Ensure that your hands are flat on the ground and your fingers are spread apart Hold this pose for 15 to 30 seconds but for better results, try to hold as long as possible Exhale and drop to your knees Repeat this pose five times and relax for at least 15 seconds after each turn Note that you should avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure or any shoulder or back injuries.
Source :http://thescienceofeating.com
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