Your Doctor Will Ask For This Recipe : Beverage That Kills Cholesterol And Fats
Parsley proved to be a good friend of weight loss. Juice of parsley helps with burning calories, and by the way feeds your body with vitamins and minerals. This herb increases metabolism and releases excess fluid from the body.
You need one waist of parsley, a lemon and water. Squeeze the lemon juice into a blender, add the unsprayed and washed parsley and the water and mix it well.
Dieticians advise to drink the juice in the morning on an empty stomach for five days, after which it is necessary to make a break of ten days.
If you’re a fan of yogurt, you can drink it too, by adding a bit of parsley. A mixture speeds up digestion and has a zero percent of fat, and you can drink in the afternoon.
With the juice of parsley, you are allowed to continue to enter the foods that you already had in your daily diet. The recipe of every success is moderation. It is necessary not to overdo the intake of food. The results are visible after five days.
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