Your hormones are tiny little chemical messengers that whizz around your bloodstream telling your organs and body tissues to fulfill their functions. So making sure that you keep them in balance is crucial to your holistic health lifestyle. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to throw them out of balance, so we’re going to be looking at nine tell-tale signs that will warn you that all is not quite right on the farm – that farm being your body of course. One gland that influences many body systems is the thyroid gland. It is located in the neck and is responsible for directing many of the body’s functions.

The primary function of your thyroid gland is to secrete thyroid hormones, which are responsible for controlling your body’s metabolism. The 2 main thyroid hormones are T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine)…The thyroid hormones are involved in regulating many of your bodily functions, such as your heart rate, how quickly you burn calories and digestion. If a thyroid suddenly gets all out of whack, it can do one of two things: it either becomes overactive, producing too much of the hormone, or it can also slow down and grow sluggish, developing too little of the hormone. If your thyroid becomes overactive, it produces too much of the thyroid hormone, thus developing hyperthyroidism. There are 9 surprising things that your thyroid can affect. Two most common are:

  • It can make you thin-skinned or rough to the touch.
  • It can make you lose a lot of weight or gain a little

Too many thyroid hormones often cause patients to feel jittery or anxious unrelated to anything specific, says Ashita Gupta, MD, an endocrinologist at Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital in New York City. “There’s more brain stimulation so it excites you to the point where you don’t feel good about it,” says Dr. Gupta.


Source : http://thescienceofeating.com/