Apple Cider Vinegar is among extensively studied beverage all over the world for its high nutritive value; cure for wide range of ailments and enormous utility. Apple cider vinegar consumed in moderation regularly has many benefits including regulating blood sugar levels, promoting health body weight, promoting beauty, and serving as a holistic remedy for many aliments. From being mentioned in Folklores to work of eminent medical experts like D.C. Jarvis to modern time nutritionist; Apple Cider Vinegar always got recommended for its curing ability, regular health maintenance and fitness. If we consider obesity and over-weight cases, which have actually doubled worldwide since 1980 ; can we keep aside the role of Apple Cider Vinegar for weight loss? The answer is simple, “NO”!
Forget diet pills. This fat-burning secret weapon is right in your pantry. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may switch on the genes your body needs to pump out fat-burning proteins, according to Drs . It may help curb your appetite, too. Subjects who consumed apple cider vinegar before a carbohydrate heavy meal ate about 275 fewer calories during the remainder of the day, according to a University of Arizona study. If you can’t handle it as a straight no chaser, try it mixed in Dr ’s secret slim-down drink or even a cup of tea.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make apple cider vinegar from scratch.
- The cores and peels of between 6-8 apples
- Two tablespoons of honey
- Enough water to submerge ingredients in
- Wash and chop your apples into medium sized pieces (or use the peels and cores of 6-7 small apples after making a pie). Place them in a clean, rinsed and sterilized wide mouth jar.
- Mix the sugar with 1 cup of water and pour on top of the apples.
- Add more water if needed to cover the apples.
- Cover the jar with a paper towel or a cheesecloth and secure it with a band. This keeps nasties away while letting the liquid breathe.
- Place the jar in a warm, dark place for 2-3 weeks – I just kept it in my pantry.
- Strain out the liquid and discard the apple pieces.
- Return the liquid to the same jar and cover it again (same paper or cheesecloth).
- Return the jar to the same warm, dark place and leave it do its thing for roughly 4 to 6 weeks, stirring with a plastic or wooden spoon every few days or so. I’ll be honest with you, I wasn’t that organised with my stirring (oftentimes forgot), but my vinegar still loved me.
- After the first 4 weeks, you can begin to also taste your vinegar and once it reaches an acidity you like, you can actually transfer it to a bottle with a lid and begin using it.
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