An alternative autism specialist, and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, an alternative cancer specialist, saw the truth and were willing to step outside of the standard allopathic medical model for treating cancer and autism. They were pioneers in their respective fields and both recently died or perhaps were killed because of their successful treatments of sick, suffering and dying patients. Raising the level of suspicion surrounding these doctor’s deaths was the fact that both had previously run into problems with the feds due to their holistic treatments of patients. Just weeks prior to Bradstreet’s death, his office was raided by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Five “holistic health doctors” who was found dead, as well as three nameless doctors who went “missing” in Mexico in circumstances seemingly related to each another only by date. No information was provided about what readers were supposed to infer from this information. The deceased doctor to whom the author referred was James Jeffrey Bradstreet, a controversial figure found dead of a gunshot wound in a river in June 2015. Bradstreet, 61, was subject to a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raid shortly before his death, which police said appeared to be suicide.

As for the missing Mexican doctors, 9 July 2015 articles in the Daily Beast profiled their case and gave no indication that the individuals affected were in any way affiliated with alternative medicine or were on the radar of the FDA. In fact, there are no clear parallels between the deceased “holistic health doctors” included in the conspiracy theory and the missing Mexican doctors that we could find.

The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defense to naturally kill cancer cells.

Nepalese is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!

This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism…they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!!

Dr Ted Broer breaks the above info (about the nagalese) in this clip. He explains it much better than I do. The clip is short (from his July 25th Hagmann & Hagmann interview) but it’s a MUST listen. Dr Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air b/c their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting..and then their servers were brought down. They  asked a bunch of ppl to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line..and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.” He was super nervous holding onto this info…afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story. It’s a 19 min clip but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is def some of the most important news Ive ever heard. And it needs to go viral.


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