Feng shui really works like magic. Its like a miraculous force working either to your advantage or disadvantage.
Good feng shui is about organising your home in a way that affects you in a positive manner. This means every object in your house.
The best feng shui money energy foundation is having your home and business free of clutter, displaying symbols that speak to you of wealth, using specific feng shui cures such as crystals, specific images and even essential oils to raise the feng shui energy in your home. Good feng shui money energy also means maintaining high oxygen levels at all times. Wood is the element for the Wealth Corner, and the best way to represent wood is with growing plants. Plants with stiff, pokey leaves are to be avoided. This also applies in the far left corner of your backyard. Dried plants are very bad in any part of the home because they say dead. They once had life energy coursing through them, but that life is gone, and they’re now dead. Artificial plants don’t have that problem because they were never alive. Just keep them clean and very realistically arranged. I mentioned a little earlier that an image of water and plants growing is ideal for feng shui Money Corners. For many people that is the most feasible thing to do. It’s quite easy to find plant pictures, so keep looking until you find one that you like that also shows water.
Plant Crassula
Leaves can look like coins or they can look like paper money. Paper money is my favorite, but coins are better than nothing. Dieffenbachia species (also called dumb cane) has large dark green leaves with spots of white that are reminiscent of large paper currency. Jade plant (Crassula ovata) and its close relative silver dollar plant (Crassula arborescens) have rounded fat leaves which are like big coins, so they are good in the Wealth Corner.
This plant supposedly possesses ethereal oils and boosts mental and physical positivity in people. Also, it increases people’s psychic and physical abilities.
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