Nine Cancer Cures That Your Doctor Will Not Tell You About

Are you healthy? If not, why? Did you see any label by the FDA on the organic food you buy that says that food can’t cure diseases? This is because in the USA, the only way to patent medicine is to mix it with lab synthetic chemicals which often have adverse side-effects, then pay the FDA millions of dollars to approve it! It’s basically selling your soul to the Devil! This involves cancer meds which actually mutate more human cells and lead to an early death! Do you want to be a part of it, or do you want to try some natural cures which were used by people who cured their cancer? Here are nine such cures:

  1. Turmeric

Most of the turmeric present on the American market has a high microbe count as well as high lead content. Buying cheap turmeric can increase the presence of lead and toxins in your body and cause cancer, so you should make sure that you’re buying organic turmeric which contains curcumin, a highly recommended ingredient which can reinforce your immune system.

  1. Hemp seed oil

Cold-pressing seeds of Cannabis Sativa will result in an oil that can be legally purchased in the USA. If contains essential fatty acids without containing the THC content. Hemp is considered a superfood due to its omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and the 5% of GLA, which is even higher in spirulina. Hemp seed oil has been used for millennia in various elixirs and medicinal teas to provide anti-mutagen action and reverse the damage done by free radicals.

  1. Reishi mushrooms

Reishi mushrooms can be difficult to find – they are only present on the market in pill or powder form. However, in the Far East, reishi mushrooms are commonly used against cancer and are called “The Mushrooms Of Immortality” due to their health benefits. They have been associated with lower blood pressure and improved nerve function and stamina, and many people claim that they can even cure cancer!  This ability to cure cancer lies in the polysaccharide and saponin content which decrease cell proliferation.

  1. Melatonin

The free radical damage in the body can be fought even while you’re sleeping. Since its discovery half a century ago, melatonin has been proven as a diverse molecule with antioxidant properties. According to research, melatonin can battle free radicals even better than vitamin E. It reduces oxidative damage and is superior to glutathione and vitamins C and E. It can fight diseases caused by free radicals such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is produced by the body, but if you’re a diabetic older than 55, it’s recommended to take melatonin supplements.

  1. Spring water

If you’re fighting cancer, you really need to adjust your body’s pH levels. Every nutritionist will tell you to eat more vegetables and fruit and drink more water – and this means spring water without added fluoride!

  1. Baking soda

Baking soda has numerous health benefits, and it can even cure cancer! Yes, it’s true! Drink a solution of a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water every day and you will alkalize your body, which is vital for defeating cancer. Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment, where the cells are rich in oxygen. Baking soda is a simple cancer remedy, but you will never hear it from oncologists.

  1. Organic garlic cloves

Garlic contains over 200 bioactive compounds which will defeat cancer easily! Cancer cells use a special enzyme called ornithine decarboxylase to multiply, but it can be blocked by consuming garlic.

  1. Apricot seed kernels

This is an effective cancer cure which is still debated around the world. Thousands of people have been using apricot seed kernels to cure cancer due to the small cyanide content. Don’t worry – cyanide will not kill you in small amounts.

  1. Cannabis sativa

The medicinal properties of marijuana were known for millennia – throughout history, it was used by the ancient Egyptians, Persians and Greeks for different ailments. However, mainstream medicine in the USA fails to recognize cannabis because it is classified as a Schedule I narcotic by the DEA.


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