This is How to Grow an ENDLESS Supply of Free Food at Home

If you love fresh fruit and vegetables, you should definitely consider growing them yourself. There is a rapidly increasing movement which includes growing your own food and becoming more conscious about what you eat.

Having fresh fruit and veggies is the best way to make sure that you’re eating organically grown, healthy food. Container plants are easy to grow and they can easily be protected against pests or diseases. You can take control over the nutrient supply and adjust the environment of the produce by moving them around. Any tree, shrub and plant can be grown in containers, although not all of them will provide satisfying results. Here’s a selection of the best fruit, vegetables and herbs that you can grow at home:


Fruits must be grown in larger containers as they will be growing in the same pot for years. You must provide good drainage and air circulation and the potting mixture should offer long-term nutrition. To make your own potting mixture, mix the following ingredients:

  • 4 parts of peat moss
  • 6 oz. of dolomite/gallon of peat moss
  • 2 parts compost
  • 2 parts sand
  • 1 part garden soil
  • 2 parts perlite

Add 1 lb. of bone meal and osmocote\100 gallon of prepared potting mix. Fill a third of the container then place the plant inside. Fill the sides and bring the soil up to 2/3 of the container, leaving up some space for top ups.

Meyer lemon tree

The Meyer lemon tree never disappoints, and is among the leading fruits for pot culture. It has shiny, evergreen leaves, fragrant flowers and large yellow fruits. If you live in the north, the tree should be kept indoors in winter.

When put in a larger container, the Meyer tree can grow up to 6 feet, so you need to prune it in order to maintain its height. Grafted trees should provide fruit in 2-3 years. The tree requires regular watering and feeding through spring and summer, and you should move them inside when frost strikes. In the fall and winter, they can go for long periods without feeding and water.


When you grow strawberries in containers, you need to check their sprawling habit in order to improve the production. Grow them in tall containers so that the plant falls over to the sides.

Strawberries can sit indoors near a sunny window. Keep harvesting them frequently and clear out any baby plants to ensure they grow properly.

Passion fruit

The amazing passion fruit is a tropical perennial vine, but it can be grown into containers in the subtropical region. Cut it close to the root and keep it in your garage until spring when it’ll sprout again. This is a fast growing tree which needs a lot of support. Frequently water it and feed it occasionally to ensure proper growth and many fruits.


Vegetables (except leafy veggies) need a lot of sunlight, rich soil and continuous feeding. They are usually annual, so you need to start from seedlings every year.


Tomatoes are a popular vegetable that you can easily grow in containers. Large containers will work best, but you will need to use stakes or wire cages to support the plants. Pot your tomatoes in rich soil and compost that contains a fertilizer such as kelp meal, blood meal or fish emulsion. Make sure they get enough sun and water them frequently.

Bell peppers

A lot of people are growing their own peppers because the process is really easy. They can be grown in small quantities in 2 gallon pots, and should be kept in maximum sunlight outside. However, low temperature is not good for them, so you need to bring them in overnight and during the winter.

Hand pollination will increase your yield of peppers – take a soft paintbrush to every open flower, or distribute the pollen by shaking the plant occasionally every day.


Potatoes are great for growing in containers, and flexible containers such as potato bags can allow good drainage. Fill the container with loose, well-draining potting mixture half way up, then top up when you see little potatoes forming at the roots. Plant a spud per gallon, and shake the plant out of the soil when harvesting.


If you love green salads, why don’t you try growing your own lettuce at home? Lettuce can be grown in small pots or long rectangular containers. Frequent water is very important for this vegetable, as well as a well-draining mixture. There are more types of lettuce which you can pick. Sow the seeds in situ 6 inches apart and harvest the leaves daily. Cabbage-like lettuce is harvested whole.


Most herbs are easily grown in containers. You can grow them next to your sunny window, and take bits and pieces off them whenever you require.


Parsley needs to be in some shade so it can be grown indoors. Sow the seeds in a wide container and keep it near a window – if the seedlings are crowded, thin them and add them to dishes. The flat-leaved parsley has a stronger flavor than its curly-leaved cousin.


Do you use this spice often? If so, you can grow it at home in small pots. Oregano plants enjoy the sun occasionally, but you need to bring them inside overnight during winter.


Basil needs direct sunlight to grow, so you can keep it outside when the weather is nice. However, if the temperature falls, you need to take them inside. One or two basil plants will provide you with enough leaves for your needs. Snip the stems regularly to keep the plant bushy.


A mint is one of the essential plants for any kitchen, and it can easily be grown inside a container. Mint plants need to be put in rich soil and frequently watered. Keep them in pots as they can easily spread throughout the garden.

If you’re growing any of these plants, fruits and vegetables at home, make sure you keep a close watch because the soil can make them dry quickly. You should also protect them against pests and diseases properly.


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