Natural Remedies Against Female Baldness

Although most people think that hair loss affects only men, women are also affected by the condition. Thankfully, by finding out the underlying cause, you can easily resolve the problem.

Most people love their hair and spend a big chunk of their time preparing their hair before going out. This is why many people are obsessing with their hair health, and usually go to great lengths in keeping their hair strong and healthy.

Hair loss is not a condition which affects only men – it is a common problem for women as well. Luckily, the condition can be reversed if you learn how to recognize the symptoms on time. Here’s what you should pay attention on:

  1. Genetics

Hereditary genes play a big part in hair loss regardless of sex. They can determine when you will start losing your hair, how long will it last and how much thinner will your hair get.

  1. Hormonal changes

Hormonal imbalance and other hormonal dysfunctions can lead to hair loss, and this usually occurs during pregnancy or before childbirth. It can also occur in early menopause and can also be caused by anemia. The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating the hormone levels, so if it isn’t working properly, it can be the main factor for the condition.

  1. Medications

Arthritis, cancer and cardiovascular medications can initiate hair loss as can excess intake of vitamin A.

  1. Infections and diseases

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease which occurs when the body is unable to recognize its own cells, so it destroys its tissues and follicles thinking that they’re foreign bodies. A scalp infection can damage your hair and cause dandruff to appear, leading to eventual hair loss.

  1. Specific haircuts

According to the Mayo clinic, you shouldn’t tie your hair in a ponytail often because it may be the reason for alopecia. You should also stay away from certain products which can cause damage to your scalp. Wendy Roberts, an American dermatologist, suggest that chemical dyes and hair irons should be avoided if you want to have a healthy hair.

  1. Physical or emotional trauma

Hair loss can be triggered by numerous health problems, but it can also be caused by strong physical or emotional trauma, which are usually responsible for weight loss and serious diseases as well.

  1. Consume more vitamin B

This vitamin can naturally resolve your hair loss problem, so you should eat more vitamin B-rich foods. Biotin (vitamin B7) helps the hair and nails grow healthy, and you can find it in eggs, bananas, dark leaved vegetables and sweet potatoes.

  1. Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is rich in vitamins B and E and also contains minerals such as silicone and zinc. It is a great tool against fungal infections and numerous bacteria.

  1. Drink teas that stimulate hair growth

Mint tea helps the body produce more sebum, an oil that soothes the scalp and eliminates dandruff. Rosemary contains compounds which strengthen the follicles and prevent hair loss, while nettle and liquorice can stimulate hair growth.

  1. Be gentle to your skin

Gentle handling of your hair is vital for prevention of hair loss. Avoid using hair irons, blow-dryers and any other hair tools. If you use gels or hair sprays, don’t comb your hair when it dries.

  1. Stimulate your blood flow

Proper flow of oxygen and proper blood circulation are vital for preventing hair loss. Make sure that you’re not suffering from iron deficiency and start using Aloe Vera gel on your hair – massage it onto your scalp and hair before rinsing with water.

  1. Maintain your hair volume

When going to a hair salon, make sure your pick a cascading hair style – the lighter your hair is, the lower the risk of hair loss. Try using natural hair foams which can be applied to the hair roots.