Archives for April, 2016

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Study: Statins DON’T Lower Cholesterol but INCREASE Cancer and Memory Loss Risk

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, with approximately 610,000 Americans dying from it every year. It has become a popular theory that high cholesterol levels can have a negative impact on your heart health, so, in order to combat this, many people...

Homemade Essential Oil Laundry Powder You Can Make In Minutes For Clean Fresh-Smelling Clothes

Homemade Essential Oil Laundry Powder You Can Make In Minutes For Clean Fresh-Smelling Clothes
There’s nothing better than the smell of freshly-washed clothes lying out to dry on a clothesline. Most people use commercial laundry detergents to have this scent, however these are filled with numerous chemicals that are harmful to our body, even when just using them on our clothes. However, you can...

He Went Crawling To The Doctor Because He Had Unbearable Pain Of Sciatica And The Doctor Gave To Him This Natural Remedy !!!

He Went Crawling To The Doctor Because He Had Unbearable Pain Of Sciatica And The Doctor Gave To Him This Natural Remedy !!!
One of the most common conditions that doctors see in their offices is sciatica. In fact, this doctor had patient who because of his strong pain went crawling into his office. Sciatica is term which is used for describing pain that starts in the lower back and buttocks goes...

This Diet Is Easy, Simple And Removes Fat With A Light Speed, First Results After Two Days

This Diet Is Easy, Simple And Removes Fat With A Light Speed, First Results After Two Days
This month can change your life and body for the better, not only will you lose fat, but you will feel better, and you will see that after only two days! You’ll start seeing growing healthier hair, nails, skin will be purified … The point is to avoid carbohydrates,...

How Alkaline Water Kills Cancer Cells And How To Prepare It

How Alkaline Water Kills Cancer Cells And How To Prepare It
Scientific study in Japan has suggested that alkaline water is effective in detoxifying the body and destroying cancerous cells. This claim by Japanese scientists is of importance to everyone around the world and particularly in the West which has the highest prevalence of cancer cases. Japan is also known...

93 Percent Of Women With Breast Cancer Had This Dental Procedure Done

93 Percent Of Women With Breast Cancer Had This Dental Procedure Done
Dentists and scientists have been fighting about  a certain dental procedure for years.  The scientist believe this procedure is causing many people a whole lot of health issues, while the dentists say its a completely safe procedure. There is now way too much evidence and studies showing proof that...

Study Finds Benadryl Is Linked To Memory Loss and Dementia

Study Finds Benadryl Is Linked To Memory Loss and Dementia
Benadryl is one of the medicines many people take whenever allergies strike.  Since this has been marketed so widely and for so long, most people wouldn’t think twice about taking it or what it’s actually doing to their health.  But a study that followed 3434 people showed some very...