14 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Never Put In Your Mouth Again
This is an excerpt from the American Institute for Cancer website: “Research has shown that most cancers can be prevented. Scientists now estimate that 60 percent to 70 percent of cancers are all preventable through currently available information and simple changes in diet and lifestyle.” With this in mind, this article will try and address simple lifestyle changes which will improve your health and prevent this awful disease.
Here’s the things you need to avoid:
BPA-lined cans
BPA is a toxic compound found in plastic and resins and is also used to coat metal cans. According to animal lab studies, BPA can cause cancer, infertility, diabetes as well as obesity. Unless the can you bought doesn’t state that it’s BPA-free on its label, there’s a big chance that it contains bisphenol-A (BPA).
Processed and smoked foods
In order to prevent meat from spoiling, manufacturers add nitrates and nitrites as well as artificial coloring. These substances are transformed into N-nitroso compounds such as nitrosamines and nitrosamides when cooked, which have been related to different types of cancer.
Farmed fish
Farmed fish are full of dangerous toxins and chemicals including PCB, a known carcinogen. Due to the overcrowded fish farms, the fish are injected with antibiotics in order to keep them free from diseases. They are also susceptible to sea lice, which is why they’re treated with pesticides as well.
GMO products
GMOs have infiltrated our diet to an increasingly high rate. There’s almost no way of knowing if the product is GMO or not, and in many countries companies are not obliged to label their products as GMO. Google GMO to learn more about the risk of consuming these foods.
Grilled meat
Yes, we know that it’s delicious, but you should know that grilling meat on coal or wood produces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. When the meat drips on the fire, it flares up and smokes, allowing the PHAs to stick to the food and increase your risk of cancer.
Hydrogenated oils
Hydrogenated oils, or trans-fats, are a man-made product which have altered chemical structure in order to prevent them from going rancid. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, trans-fats overwork the immune system and cause inflammation while also being linked to cardiovascular diseases, stroke and diabetes. Besides being chemically derived from their source, they also contain dangerous chemicals added in order to change their appearance.
Microwave popcorn
The microwave popcorn bags are lined with Perfluoroalkyls, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in order to prevent the oil from soaking through the packaging. When you prepare the popcorn, these chemicals leech into them and contaminate your blood after consumption. PFOAs have been linked to tumors in animal organs and have been known to increase the risk of cancer in PFOA plant workers.
Non organic fruit and vegetables
Conventional crops are grown with pesticides, herbicides and GMO seeds which are dangerous for your health. Open the link below to learn more about the dangers of conventionally grown crops.
Processed foods
Processed meat is rich in nitrites and nitrates, preservatives which can considerably increase the risk of cancer. They are also full of white flour, sugar, artificial colors and oils as well as other unhealthy compounds.
Refined sugars
Refined sugars have been found to cause health problems such as unhealthy blood fat levels, low HDL cholesterol levels, increased risk of heart diseases, high triglyceride levels, obesity, immune suppression and many more.
Sodas\Sport drinks
These drinks offer no nutritional value and contain high levels of corn syrup, sugar, dye and brominated vegetable oil. They are not healthy at all – they rob your body of vitamins and minerals.
Soy protein isolate
90-95% of the American soybeans are GMO produced in order to withstand herbicides such as “RoundUp”. The American Dietetic Association has stated that soy protein isolates have anti-nutrients that delay the body’s ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. In order to make it less poisonous, soy goes through a lot of processing in aluminum tanks, which are highly toxic and can cause damage to your nervous system and kidneys.
In order to survive, cancer cells feed on sugar, so people suffering from it should avoid sugar in their diet. Eating a balanced diet full with fruit is far better for your body.
White flour
Commercial grains and seeds are almost always treated with pesticides and are then harvested in bins coated with insecticides, increasing the toxic overload in the body. While being produced, grains are processed on high temperatures and treated with chlorine oxide which is also used as a bleach. The final white flour product is devoid of nutrients and full of toxic chemicals.
Source : http://theheartysoul.com/cancer-causing-foods/?t=THS
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