Drink This Before You Go To Sleep And You Will Reduce Belly Fat In No Time
This article presents an amazing recipe which will melt your belly fat in no time!
This simple natural drink will melt your belly fat quickly and you’ll only need to drink a glass of it before bedtime. Belly fat is the most stubborn type of fat – no matter what you do, it’s difficult to remove and very easily gained back. However, drinking this natural juice will reduce your belly fat quickly and effortlessly!
Our metabolism is slower when we’re asleep, but this drink will boost it and literally burn fat overnight. Here’s how to prepare it:
- 1 lemon
- 1 cucumber
- 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera juice
- 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger
- A bunch of parsley and cilantro
- Half a glass of water
The preparation of the drink is simple – just put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until you get a smooth texture. Drink a glass of it before going to bed, and you will be amazed by the results quickly!
Lemon is an excellent fruit for removing toxins from the body. It can accelerate your metabolism which will in turn burn your belly fat all day long and even overnight!
Ginger is another belly fat burner which can accelerate your metabolism, prevent constipation and of course, burn fat.
Cucumbers are the ideal diet food due to their high water and fiber content. They contain almost no calories and stimulate your metabolic rate, effectively boosting your energy levels. Thanks to this effect, they can regulate and reduce the body mass index (BMI).
Parsley and cilantro are herbs rich in nutrients which can stimulate weight loss, while preventing water retention and reducing symptoms such as bloating and discomfort.
Source : http://www.healthylifecentar.com/drink-go-sleep-will-reduce-belly-fat-no-time/
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