93 Percent Of Women With Breast Cancer Had This Dental Procedure Done
Dentists and scientists have been fighting about a certain dental procedure for years. The scientist believe this procedure is causing many people a whole lot of health issues, while the dentists say its a completely safe procedure. There is now way too much evidence and studies showing proof that the dental procedure can lead to serious life threatening or chronic health issues including cancer and heart disease to be ignored. You might have heard of this procedure before, a Root Canal?
Root-canaled teeth are basically “dead” teeth. Scientists believe it is a breeding ground for profoundly harmful anaerobic microscopic organisms that can, under specific conditions, go into yourcirculation system to cause various medicinal conditions. Many people show now signs of issues for decades and that’s the scary part. This is why we are bringing you this amazing article from Natural Cures Not Medicine. Everyone needs to know about this, it just can’t be ignored any longer.
If you have a chronic degenerative disease probably you have been told that it is all in your head. This may not be that far from the truth. There has been an argument on a medical subject between the dentists and the scientists. The argument is about whether a specific dental procedure is dangerous for patients or not.
Scientists have been warning us of the procedure’s consequences for more than a century. Dentists, on the other hand, claim that the procedure is perfectly safe. There are over 41,000 procedures like this in the USA on a daily basis. Americans are living their everyday life thinking they have permanently fixed their problem.
The main cause of your illness is maybe in your mouth
The root canal is a common dental procedure. There are over 25 million root canal procedures done every year in the United Stases alone. This procedure may be very dangerous and scientists have been warning us about that danger for more than 100 years. Dentists on the other hand claim that there is nothing dangerous while performing this procedure and nothing bad can happen afterwards.
Root-canaled teeth may cause problems even decades after the procedure. After the procedure, teeth became perfect storage for toxic anaerobic bacteria that can make their way into your blood. Since those teeth are practically dead you will not feel anything. The toxic anaerobic bacteria can cause some pretty serious conditions.
These toxic teeth are looking very healthy even thought they are dead. Exactly this fact makes the tracking of the disease, which occurred many years later, harder.
The American Dental Association claims that root canals are perfectly safe but there is no published data/evidence to confirm their claim. In fact, dentists expose their patients to great risks in their future lives.
What dentists do not know about the anatomy of your teeth
The teeth material is actually the hardest substance in your body.
In the middle of every tooth there is a pulp chamber. This is a soft living inner structure that acts as storage for blood vessels and nerves. Dentin is the material that surrounds the pulp chamber.
Thanks to the living cells in dentin, a hard mineral substance is secreted. The hardest and outermost layer of your teeth is the white enamel, which encases the dentin.
Each and every one root of your teeth descends into your jawbone. They are held in place only because of the periodontal ligament. All of the students in dental school are learning that each tooth has 1 to 4 major canals.
Anyway, there are additional canals that were never mentioned.If you separate all those canals and put them together in length you will literally have miles of them!
Some of you may know that your body’s large blood vessels are divided into very small capillaries. This is exactly the same way your teeth are designed. They have a scheme of tiny tubules. If you put all tubules together, in length, you will have three miles of them. Weston Price has identified 75 separated accessory canals in a single.
Microscopic organisms move around these tubules on a regular basis, like moles in underground tunnels.
When a dentist performs a root canal, she or he hollows out the tooth, then fills the chamber that is hollow with a substance called guttapercha, which cuts off the teeth from their blood supply. After this is done fluids can no longer circulate through the tooth, but the maze made of tiny tubules remains.
Bacteria, on the other hand, cut off from their food supply and hide in these tunnels where they are perfectly safe from antibiotics and your own body’s immune defenses.
The root may cause many diseases
Under the stresses of nutrient deprivation and oxygen, these formerly friendly organisms evolve into stronger and more virulent anaerobes that produce different types of potent toxins.
What were once friendly and ordinary oral bacteria now are mutated highly toxic pathogens lurking in the the dead tooth, just waiting for an opportunity to spread.
Any type of sterilization has been found to be ineffective in reaching these tubules. This is why every single tooth that has been root-canaled has been found to be colonized by these bacteria, especially in the periodontal ligament around the apex. Very often the infection extends down into the jawbone. This is where cavitations—areas of the jawbone‘s necrotic tissue are created.
The areas of unhealed bone are actually the cavitations. They are often accompanied by pockets of gangrene and infected tissue. Sometimes they form after a wisdom tooth extraction (or any kind of tooth extraction for that matter), but they can also follow any root canal as well. According to Weston Price Foundation, only two out of 5,000 surgical cavitation were found healed.
All of this occurs with minimal number of accompanying symptoms (sometimes none of the symptoms occur). In other words, you may have a dead tooth without you even knowing it. The focal infection in the area of the root-canaled tooth is very bad, but the damage does not stop there.
Root canals can lead to kidney, heart, brain and/or bone disease
As long as your immune system is strong any bacteria that have been straying away from the infected tooth are first captured and then destroyed. But once your immune system is weakened by illness, an accident or other trauma, it may be unable to keep the infection settled down.
These bacteria can move into the surrounding tissues by getting a ride onto your blood stream. The blood stream will transporte them to new locations. The new location can be any tissue, gland or organ.
Dr. Price successfully transfered diseases harbored by humans into rabbits. As mentioned above, he succeeded this by implanting fragments of root-canaled teeth. He found out that fragments (from root canal)from a person who had a heart attack, when implanted into a rabbit, the same thing happened to the rabbit within a few weeks.
He discovered that he could successfully transfer heart disease to rabbits! Other diseases he tried to transfer were more than 80 percent successful using this method. Nearly every chronic degenerative illness has been linked with root canals. Illnesses such as:
- Autoimmune Disease
- Bacteria
- Chrome Disease
- Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and more)
- Heart disease
- Neurological diseases (including ALS and MS)
- Arthritis, joint, and rheumatic diseases
- Kidney disease
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