He Went Crawling To The Doctor Because He Had Unbearable Pain Of Sciatica And The Doctor Gave To Him This Natural Remedy !!!
One of the most common conditions that doctors see in their offices is sciatica. In fact, this doctor had patient who because of his strong pain went crawling into his office.
Sciatica is term which is used for describing pain that starts in the lower back and buttocks goes through to the tights and then in the lower leg and foot. These symptoms can be obtained from the stimulated nerve in the lower back, which causes a feeling of pain, weakness and loss of sensation in the legs.
How to cure sciatica?
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 200ml milk
Chop the garlic well and place it in the milk, start heating the milk and leave it boiling for few minutes and then sweetened it with honey. Consume 2dl, of this drink every day until the disappearance of pain.
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