Why Don’t The Amish Get Cancer?
The journal Cancer Causes and Control recently published a study which showed that Amish people have virtually no experience with cancer, and are believed to be the healthiest people in the United States.
A team of researchers from the Ohio State University originally published a study on this population to examine whether the lack of conventional medicine will lead to higher cancer rates in them, but they came to an interesting discovery.
Researchers found that the Amish have significantly lower cancer rates than other people. Therefore, they decided to investigate their way of life and dietary habits in order to find out the reason for it.
According to Naturalnews.com, they found out that the Amish people do not drink, smoke and are not sexually promiscuous, so they supposed that these lifestyle factors are crucial for the reduced cancer cases.
They also examined their hard work, as most Amish people did jobs which require hard physical labor, like construction, farming and other production jobs, so they spend their days building furniture, or producing crops or other useful goods. In this way, they are always in shape and in perfect health.
Moreover, these people grow and raise their own food by themselves, so their organic food, fruits, milk, vegetables, meat are obtained in organic procedures, and contain essential nutrients, enzymes, minerals and vitamins.
In this way, they consume natural and healthy food only, which contributes to their excellent health condition.
Even though their secluded life may be criticized by many, the Amish people lead a simple and healthy lives, consuming clean and healthy, organic food, which makes them extremely healthy and not susceptible to modern diseases, such as cancer.
On the other hand, we spend our day in the offices, breathing polluted air, consuming GMO junk foods, fast foods and foods and drinks full of chemicals, and taking numerous medications.
It is more than clear which lifestyle is beneficial, and which one quickly leads to deterioration of health.
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