Drink One Cup Of This Drink Before Bedtime And Your Belly Fat Will Burn Like Crazy !

This wonderful beverage can help you lose up to 4 kg. or 10 cm. in waist size in just one week! It’s true – a cup of the beverage before going to bed will melt your belly fat even overnight. Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lemon
  • A piece of fresh ginger
  • 8 glasses of filtered water


Wash the lemon well and cut it into pieces, then put the pieces in a bowl of water. Peel and slice the cucumber too, and add the pieces to the same bowl of water along some fresh mint leaves. In the end, peel and grate the ginger and add it to the mixture, stirring well. Keep the beverage in the fridge covered with a lid, and drink it the next day whenever you’re feeling thirsty. You should notice the first results in only a week!


Source : http://idealist4ever.com/one-cup-of-this-drink-before-bedtime-burns-belly-fat-like-crazy/