A month ago a journalist from the “Thrillist” portal tried a strange experiment which included drinking a gallon of water per day. 30 days later, he says that although he expected changes, he is amazed how much the experiment changed his life.
Day 1
The journalist bought a gallon bottle of water and carried it everywhere with him. Right from the start, he knew it would be difficult as a gallon of water exceeds the daily recommended amount of water, but he was focused on his goal.
Day 5 – urinating every 20 minutes
The human body consists of 60% water, which is why it needs water every day. However, drinking a gallon of water every day is not an easy task. You will start eating less, but still feel full, and you will surely feel a frequent need to urinate. The journalist says that after the first couple of days, he started going to the bathroom every 20 minutes! He drank water every second of the day, whether he was outside or at home.
Day 10 – I’ve become…beautiful?
As he stated, 10 days after starting the experiment, he started feeling different in the morning. Before the experiment, he couldn’t imagine starting his day without a big cup of coffee, but now, he woke up full of energy and didn’t need an energy booster in the morning. He even says that he looked better than ever! The journalist says that it was getting harder and harder to drink a gallon of water per day, but he was focused on his goal. He took a bottle of water everywhere he went, even though many people considered him a weirdo.
Day 15 – full of energy!
After 15 days, the journalist started feeling full of energy – he almost ditched drinking coffee, as he didn’t have the need for it. This was a huge change for him, as he was drinking about 3 cups of coffee every day. When he was running, he felt that he was going faster and he also noticed improvements in his sleeping patters. He didn’t feel so hot before going to bed, and felt thirsty if he hadn’t had water for a while. His body was starting to adapt to the lifestyle changes.
Day 20 – people tell me I look happier
Despite numerous changes, only one thing remained constant from the start of the experiment – the frequent bathroom trips. At this time, his urine became clear, and his skin was noticeably better looking. As strange as it may seem, he says that he felt happier, and drinking a gallon of water was not a problem for him anymore.
Day 30 – free and clean
The last day of the experiment went well, although he felt constantly thirsty. After enduring a difficult month, the journalist says that although a gallon of water per day is too much, he’s not going to stop now, seeing all the positive changes it brought.
You shouldn’t try this experiment yourself, but you should definitely drink more water. Find out the right amount you need and stick to it. You can expect the first positive results in about a week!
Source : http://makeyourlifehealthier.com/decided-drink-1-gallon-water-30-days-results-shock/
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