5 EFFECTIVE Exercises That Will Build Up Your Glutes, Improve Your Posture And BURN Fat!
Sitting all day long can make your glutes sore and painful, but it’s important to move these muscles since they are vital for the stability and strength in your legs, pelvis and spine. Strengthening your glutes can improve your posture which is essential for running and other activities.
Strengthening your glutes can prevent injuries in the future, and you can do it by exercising 15 minutes a week! In the following text you will learn effective exercise which will strengthen your maximus, gluteus medius and minimus muscles.
Stand up with your legs at hip width, then step forward with your right leg and bend your knee at 90 degrees, holding the position for 5 seconds. Go back to the starting position and change your legs, and repeat 3 sets of the exercise with 10-20 repetitions each. If you want to increase the intensity of the lunges, use light dumbbells.
Donkey kicks
Put your hands and knees on the ground at hip width and tighten your abs and glutes. Now, raise your heel to the ceiling and keep your thigh no higher than your torso. Hold for a couple of seconds then bring the knee towards the ground slowly. Repeat the exercise 15 times in 3 sets for each leg.
Fire hydrant
Start in the same position as the donkey kick, but open your right leg to the side, widening your hips and keeping your right thigh parallel to the floor. Don’t touch your knee to the floor as you bring it back in the original position. Do 3 sets of the exercise with 15 repetitions for each leg.
Squat pulse
Stand with your legs at hip width and your toes turned outwards, while your arms are straight in front of you. Now squat while keeping your abs and glutes tight, and make sure your knees are in line with your toes while your back is straight. Bounce 15 times and return to the starting position, then repeat the movement 15 times per set (total of 3 sets).
Weighted bridge
Lay with your back on the ground and your knees bent, then plant your feet firmly on the ground at hips width apart. Now, put a dumbbell on your hips and lift them off the floor while tightening your glutes, thighs and abs. Lower down to the original position and keep your hips slightly above ground. Do 3 sets of the exercise with 15 repetitions per set.
Source : http://dailyhealthpost.com/
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