Add These Two Ingredients To Your Shampoo And Say Goodbye To Hair Loss Forever!!!

There are periods when the hair falls more than it should – it is weaker, has split ends and is very brittle. There are many reasons for hair loss, including genetics and stress, but thankfully, there is a way to resolve this problem and strengthen your hair with a natural treatment.

Below you can find a recipe which will strengthen your hair and prevent hair loss which is easy to prepare at home. You just need to add rosemary and lemon essential oils as well as vitamin E capsules to your favorite shampoo and it’s done! Here’s how to prepare the remedy:


  • Natural neutral pH shampoo
  • Ten drops of lemon and rosemary essential oils each
  • Two vitamin E capsules


Pour the essential oils in the shampoo first, then add the vitamin E capsules and shake everything well. Use the hair loss prevention shampoo every other day for best results.

Apply the shampoo on wet hair and massage your scalp for 10 minutes, then let it work for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water – that’s it! This shampoo will refresh your hair and strengthen it, and you will never have to deal with hair loss again!


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