Wash Your Face With This 3-Ingredient Apple Cider Vinegar Mixture to Look YEARS Younger in Days

As we go throughout the day, dirt, bacteria and environmental pollution accumulate on our faces and cause acne. Acne are most often caused by unhealthy diet and environmental factors. The best way to get rid of them are making diet changes and washing your face with a cleaner. However, picking the right cleaner is a difficult task, as most commercial facial cleansers have chemicals worse than the environmental toxins that accumulate on our faces.

Certain toxic ingredients strip your skin of the natural oils it needs to function properly. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is an ingredient that is responsible for the foaming in skincare products, but it also dries your skin and stimulates bacterial development, negatively affecting the immune system. Thankfully, there are a few natural skincare solutions which will treat most skin problems and don’t contain harmful ingredients.

DIY Face Wash Recipes

DIY Foaming Face Wash For All Skin Types:


  • Half a teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 1/3 of a cup of filtered soap
  • 2/3 of a cup of filtered water
  • 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil


Just mix all the ingredients in a bowl, then pour the mixture in an empty container. Use it to wash your face every day.

Face Wash For Acne Prone or Oily Skin


  • Half a cup of organic honey
  • ¼ of a cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil


Mix all the ingredients well before pouring the mixture in a dispenser. Use a small amount of the mixture to massage your face, then wipe it off with a cotton ball and wash your face as usual.

DIY Face Cleanser For Dry Skin


  • A tablespoon of almond oil
  • A cup of mild castile soap
  • 20 drops of Jasmine fragrance
  • A cup of distilled water


Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth texture, then pour the mixture into a dispenser and use regularly.

Face Wash For Dry Or Oily Skin


  • ¼ of a cup of Aloe Vera gel
  • 1-2 teaspoons of sweet almond oil
  • A few drops of an essential oil of your choice


Mix all the ingredients and put the mixture into a dispenser bottle and use it every day. If your skin is oily, substitute the almond oil with liquid castile soap.

Basic Face Wash


  • ½ a cup of castile soap
  • 1-2 tablespoons of oil
  • 10 drops of essential oil


Mix all the ingredients together, then put the mixture into a dispenser. If you have an oily skin type, substitute the oils for Aloe Vera gel. Adding some coffee grounds in the mixture will create a powerful exfoliator.


Source : http://www.healthyfoodheadlines.com/wash-face-3-ingredient-apple-cider-vinegar-mixture-look-years-younger-days-2/