Meet the Type of Butter That Can Actually PREVENT Heart Attacks
When you hear the word “butter”, you’re probably thinking of that yellow glob of fat which is allegedly unhealthy for you. From the media advertising of low-fat alternative, to our parents demonizing fat, we have constantly been getting told that butter is bad for us.
And, although it’s true that too much butter is harmful, people who demonize it often overlook its nutritional value. The butter sold in markets doesn’t have the nutritional value on the label due to the diet of the cows that make the milk.
Why does everyone think butter is unhealthy?
The main reason for this point of view is the anti-saturated fat trend of the previous century. Back then, saturated fat was the #1 cause of obesity and heart disease, but this theory has been debunked dozens of times later.
According to two British studies conducted in 2010 and 2014 with near a million subjects, there is no kind of association between saturated fat consumption and heart disease. This forever closed the doors on the theory that saturated fat is responsible for heart attacks or stroke.
Grass-fed butter vs. grain-fed butter
Butter is made of milk and fat by removing the cream from fresh milk, churning and solidifying it. The nutritional value of every type of butter depends on the diet of the cow that makes it. Most farmers use grains to feed their cows, as it’s the cheapest source of nutrition and easy to cultivate. However, grass-fed cows give far better butter that has more essential nutrients than grain-fed butter.
Butter contains linoleic acid, a fatty acid which is used as a fat-loss supplement. Several studies have confirmed its incredible ability to reduce body fat and the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and as it turns out, grass-fed butter has five times the amount of linoleic acid than grain-fed butter. Grass-fed butter is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2 which can improve your strength, stimulate weight loss and reduce inflammation.
How to get grass-fed butter?
Sadly, you won’t find grass-fed butter in grocery stores. This type of butter must come directly from a farmer, which is why you should buy it from Whole Foods or local farmer markets.
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