Rudolf Brojs from Austria has dedicated his whole life to finding the best natural cure for cancer.

 He actually made a special juice that gives excellent results for treating cancer. He has cured more than 45, 000 people who suffered from cancer and other incurable diseases with this method. Brojs said that cancer can survive only with the help of proteins.

He devised a special eating regimen which lasts for 42 days, and he recommends drinking just tea and his special vegetable juice, with beetroot as its main ingredient. During these 42 days, the cancer cells starve and die, while your overall health is improved.

 In order to prepare his special juice you need organic vegetables. Here’s what you’ll need:
  • Beetroot (55%),
  • Carrots (20%),
  • Celery root (20%),
  • Potatoes (3%)
  • Radishes (2%)

You just need to put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them all well. That’s it, you’re ready to start your treatment.

Just remember not to overdo it with the consumption of the juice, drink as much as your body requires.

 Beetroot is abundant in antioxidants, C, B1, B2, B6 vitamins, folic and pantothenic acid, and the minerals – potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, beetroot is considered to be one of the most health beneficial vegetables. The red color in beets comes from magenta pigments known as betacyanins.

A number of studies have confirmed beetroot is extremely beneficial in treatment against leukemia and cancer.

First of all, beets are abundant in betaine, which is an amino acid with powerful anticancer properties. Plus, it’s a strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxification agent. Studies confirm that betaine destroys cells in the tumor tissue.

Beetroot can be used for the treatment of many types of cancer and the findings of one study revealed that 100% of subjects suffering from cancer positively responded to beet treatment.

It’s beneficial for pregnant women because it contains high levels of folic acid. It boost the function of the liver and gall bladder, preventing constipation. It helps with headaches, toothaches, dysentery, bone problems, skin issues and menstrual pains. It’s a true all-purpose medicinal plant which should be an indispensable part of every diet.