The Powerful Cancer-Fighter You Can Grow In Your Front Yard
One of the first two types of cancer that cause death is the colon or colorectal cancer. People try numerous treatments using medicines, as well as chemotherapy, but many people who’ve managed to cure this type of cancer have succeeded doing that with the help of alternative medicine.
Chris Wark of “Chris Beat Cancer” is one of the visible examples. He tries to encourage others who beat cancer without losing their health to the normal cut (surgery), burn (radiation therapy) and poison (chemotherapy) to contribute their success stories to his “Chris Beat Cancer” website.
The best way to beat colon cancer is to prevent it by not indulging in a standard American diet (SAD), exercise moderately, and not stressing over all the stuff of modern life.
But, recently, scientists discovered a particular food that is powerful in preventing colon cancer. It has been proven by in vitro (labcultures) and in vivo (animal or human studies) and that food is purple potatoes.
The Color Purple
Anthocyanins are high in purple potatoes and they go after colon cancer stem cells. Stem cells are the mothers of cells that are like them and it’s very important.
Cancer stem cells are often strengthened and become resistant to orthodox oncology treatments, which leaves them free to create future cancer cells. This is actually the major reason cancer reappears after any declared remissions from chemo or radiation.
A recent study from Penn State even used cooked potatoes, for their study baked, instead of raw purple potatoes. They concluded that the anthocyanins help create cell death among even cancer stem cells.
They used extracts from the baked potatoes in their in vitro studies and in vivo fed animals with colon cancers the baked purple potatoes with positive results that reversed tumor growths.
“You might want to compare cancer stem cells to roots of the weeds,” said Penn State Jairam K.P. Vanamala. “You may cut the weed, but as long as the roots are still there, the weeds will keep growing back and, likewise, if the cancer stem cells are still present, the cancer can still grow and spread.”
Most of the health food stores sell organic purple potatoes. They originated in Peru and so far they’re not common enough to motivate Monsanto or others of their ilk to genetically modify them. One of the best ways to prepare purple potatoes, which tend to be too small for baking, is to cut and boil them and after that mash them with organic butter and real sea salt. So delicious!
You can also prepare a potato salad. Make your own healthy mayonnaise or spend a little more to buy a healthy version without canola (rapeseed) oil or soy oil.
But, this type of potatoes are not the only source of anthocyanins. The color purple in plums or even the dark red of tart cherries are the ones that signify the presence of anthocyonins, too. We know that those are eaten raw.
What About the Starches?
There is a type of starch known as resistant and is not rapidly digested to create sugar, but it disappears upon cooking. It does return somehow after it cools off. Potato salads of both types of potatoes, white and purple, even pastas and peas, offer this resistant starch after refrigerating and eating at room temperature.
Resistant starch is very high in purple potatoes as well. It contains chlorogenic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant and tumor fighter. The highest content can be found in starchy foods that are either raw or cooked then cooled by refrigeration and eaten at room temperature.
University of Colorado School of Medicine food researcher Janine Higgins explains:
“Resistant starch is found in peas, beans and other legumes, green bananas, and also in cooked and cooled starchy products like sushi rice and pasta salad. You have to consume it at room temperate or below — as soon as you heat it, the resistant starch is gone. But consumed correctly, it appears to kill pre-cancerous cells in the bowel.”
Any part of these potatoes is helpful for reducing colon cancer risks. We suggest you trying a purple potato salad with a few raw tart cherries thrown in that will give you a double resistance against colon cancer. Tasty!
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