Rape is considered most offensive crime in every society, and brutal measures should be taken against this heinous crime. Rape victims are often looked down in the society and had to suffer mental torture without any fault of her/him. This horrific impact of physical and mental assault often ruins the life of victims.


Different countries across the globe came up with strong laws against sexual assault to make a country safer place for their citizen and to make sure no one who indulged in this heinous crime could roam free.

Here are the most brutal rape punishments of different countries around the world.


Chinese rapists are automatically sentenced to death after raping another person – some even die by mutilation!



You’ll be hanged or shot to death if you’ve been convicted of rape in Iran.



Rape cases are very far and few in Afghanistan, because you’ll be shot in the head within four days of being caught – that or hanged.



You could face up 15, 30 or life in prison – this all depends on the damage caused to the victim.


North Korea:

You’ll be shot by a firing squad in North Korea…



You’d be surprised to know that Russia doesn’t enforce the death penalty to rapists. Instead, they can serve anywhere between 3 -6 years in prison or 10 -20 if the damage is really bad!


Saudi Arabia:

A rapist in Saudi Arabia is sedated and murdered in public if convicted of rape.