Fast food slows the development of intelligence in children!
Children who eat more “fast food” will have a lower IQ than those who eat fresh and cooked foods, a new study showed.
Everybody is well known that food in early age is very important, but do you know it works really affect IQ? The new research was studied children eat every day for lunch and whether these habits have an impact on their cognitive ability and growth. The study involved 4000 children aged three to five years, and so did experts from the University of London, reports “Daily Mail”.
The survey comparing the impacts of fast food with those of freshly prepared meals and conclusion showed that diet has an effect on IQ of children, even when all other factors, such as IQ at an early age and the financial situation in family taken into account. In other words, the researchers perceived that frequent consumption of dishes prepared from fresh passers have a positive impact on IQ in children.
“And common sense dictates that the food we eat affect brain development, but previous studies were based mostly on the impact of specific groups of passers-by, not the types of meals,” said dr.Sofi von Stum. She added that the freshness and quality of food is more important than the satiety because some parents due to work commitments do not have time to prepare healthy meals for their children.
Interesting and published results of an Australian study which showed that children who eat fast food an average of two points lower IQs than their peers who feed on healthy passers. Also, a previously published US study has shown that children who eat pizza and fried foods before its third year, have up to five points lower IQs than their peers who ate fresh food, fruit and vegetables.
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