Do you know how to take care about your vagina or you risk? There are some things that you should know about taking care of your vagina. Vagina is sensitive part of our body and we must care about it.

The Right Way To Care About Your Vagina

1.Leave the inside of your vagina alone

The inside of our vagina contain good bacteria which is caring about our vagina. This bacteria is good in fight against viruses and infections.

2.Use only water for washing it

Nowadays, many woman use a various gels and sometimes and things that contain a lot of chemicals and with this they don’t know that they damage the good bacteria and risk to get some infection or virus.  And for that doctors recommend to use only water to was the vagina.

3.Be careful with the soap

Soap is necessary for washing our body, but be careful when you are close to vagina because the soap contains some chemicals that could cause the good bacteria. Before washing try the soap on arms and see if it makes your skin dry. If it makes than don’t use that soap.

4.Wash it one a day

Don’t wash your vagina more then one time per day. Because often washing could damage good bacteria and we could get some infections or irritate it.

5.Do not clean it with steam

This is very popular method but that don’t means that is  safe. Many doctors says that this method is not helpful, but it is only harmful for our vagina.

6.Do not use gloves or sponge

Using gloves, sponges and some tools just damages your vagina and for that you should stop use them immediately!

