Improve Your Posture And Get Rid Of Back Pain With This Simple Exercise

1. Incorrect posture increases the risk of back pain, feeling of tightness in the chest and poor blood circulation.

2.Correcting your posture can greatly reduce pain in the back, shoulders and neck.

3.Studies have shown that good posture decreases stress, improves hormonal balance, breathing, improves digestion process, improves mental clarity and overall health.

Fortunately, there is a simple way through which we can improve our posture. A simple and excellent advice is to exercise muscles used when standing in a natural, useful position.

The exercise that you can do to strengthen these muscles is laying extension, which in yoga is called grasshopper position (locust pose – shalabhasana).

Practice the exercise gently and do what suits you and what suits your personal options. If you have back pain, be sure to consult your doctor before beginning a new practice.

Step 1: Lie on your stomach, face down, and touch the floor with your forehead.

Step 2: Extend your legs behind and spread them in the width of the hips. Distribute the weight evenly over the top of both feet.

Step 3: Gently lift the upper part of your body and make sure to keep your head up. Do this slowly and lift as high as you feel comfortable.

Step 4: Inhale and lift your head up looking ahead. During the exhaling lift your fingers and hands. Keep your hands close to the body with the palms down.

Step 5: Use your thigh muscles and lift your legs up. Your weight should rely on the lower ribs, abdomen and pelvis.

Stay in this position from 10 seconds up to 1 minute, depending on your ability. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times.

This exercise will strengthen your back muscles, torso and legs and will help you significantly improve your posture.

In addition, check the video and see the exercise so it will be easier for you to do it.