The feeling is really unpleasant and all you want in that moment is to stop it as soon as possible.
Does it often happen that you get an attack of fierce andrapid beating of your heart due to stressful situations or sometimes without any specific reason?
This is a very common heart condition that occurs equally in men and women, of all ages.
The feeling is very unpleasant and all you want is to stop it immediately.
Therefore, we recommend you to try these three simple methods, with the help of which you can act quickly and slow down your pulse in less than a minute.

Your Heart Beats Fast and It Skips A Beat Here’s How to Slow It Down In a Minute Without Any Medications

1.Cold Water Method
You will need a container filled with very cold water (the colder it is, the better), so you have to put a lot of ice cubes in it.
In case of a fast heartbeat, all you have to do is inhale deeply and dip your face into the cold water. Holdin this position for as long as you can.
This method stimulates your vagus nerve that has an effect on the heart rhythm. When you hold your face in cold water, your body sends a signal for slowing down of the metabolism, known as the diving reflex, which causes a fast decrease of the heart rate. This same reflex helps people to survive for a longer period in cold water, because it slows down the body’s metabolism.
2.Deep Breathing Method
Breathe in very deeply, to the extent that you’re not able to take in any more air. Afterward, exhale the air from your lungs very quickly. Repeat the procedure as long as needed. The deep inhaling alone is not enough, because it’s not capable to slow down the work of the heart and therefore you need to inhale air to the utmost limits of your lungs, significantly more than simple deep inhaling. Only thus you will slow down the work of your heart.

3.Valsalva Maneuver

Inhale moderately. Pinch your nose and close your mouth and try to blow hard without allowing the air to come out (the same as when you’re straining to pass stool). Hold this pressure as long as you can. Afterward, exhale and relax.

You might experience a mild vertigo, but this is quite normal. It’s the same feeling as the one when you’re trying to unplug your ears in order to balance out the pressure.

Try using each of the above-mentioned methods, at least several times, before moving to the next one. After a while, you will decide which method suits you the best, which is the most helpful in your specific case, and how fast and effectively you manage to slow down your pulse.
However, if you frequently experience these episodes of rapid heartbeats, which last for 20 minutes or more, and at the same time you have vertigos, pains or other troubles, then you should seek medical attention immediately.