Nowadays, many people have excess weight because of improper diet. Also if we  don’t  do some exercises or  another physical activities we get the chance to get fat.

Activate Your Fat Burning Hormones and Lose Weight Fast With This 3 Simple Steps

The male hormone testosterone, has the ability to burn fats. That is because  men have less body fat than women.

Fat storing hormones are estrogen, insulin and cortisol . In women, estrogen leads to excess weight because it is trying to prepare the body for pregnancy.

The hormone called cortisol, and also called the stress hormone plays a big role in fat accumulation in the body. So, if you are constantly under stress, you are more likely to be overweight.

If you want to lose weight on quick and effective way, follow this steps:

Step 1: Boost Testosterone

Excess estrogen can be easily neutralized with testosterone. However, you should not use testosterone injections or medications, but turn to natural ways instead. For instance, you can increase testosterone levels by weight training or endurance training.

Women should do muscle building exercises, use heavier weights and practice cardio training.

Step 2: Preventing Insulin Resistance and Cutting Back on Sugar

The hormone called insulin is hormone which resistance is to increase fat accumulation. Also excess sugar could  be the cause of insulin resistance development. For that try to cut the sugar intake and include more healthy foods in your diet.

Step 3: Preventing the Production of Cortisol

As we know stress is associated with excess secretion of cortisol, and this hormone is responsible for the fat accumulation around your stomach. For that you need to manage stress if you want to lose some weight. We will tell you one example: you can do some relaxation methods such as mediation, yoga and mindfulness.

Fact is that hormones have a huge impact in the fat accumulation and fat-burning process in the body. Then  everything you need is to follow this steps and you will see the differences and results.
