Many people especially woman has problem with cellulite.  Cellulite is visible and Is located under the skin and that comes from  water, fat and waste substances  which came to live under your skin.

You Want To Get Rid Of Cellulite Forever Here Is How !

Interesting is that you can get rid of cellulite with  water diet.

This diet includes consumption of fresh vegetables, fish, low fat meat, eggs and yogurt. Sometimes between meals you will feel hungry , for that you can eat some fresh apples and they will help you to feel full for an hour or more. This diet involves cutting off bread, pasta and sweets. Drink two and a half liters of still water, to start your day.

After 1 week

You will get the feeling of bloating, but don’t care that is because of water consumption. That will pass for three or four days. You will stop to feel hungry because water will keep you full.

After 2 weeks

When will pass the second weak you will get the feeling of more activity. You will have only one problem, and that is frequently urination. That is because of the water. Water needs to clean your body from the toxins.

After 3 weeks

And after this you will feel better and you will also lose some kilos.  Cellulite will be less noticeable or simple will disappear.

After 4 weeks

After one month you will lose more kilos and cellulite will disappear forever !

This diet is based one drinking big amounts of water !

Source : womenslife