Disclosure!!! DR. GLIDDEN: ‘Chemotherapy Does Not Work In 97% Of Cases! It Is A Poison That Doctors Continue To Prescribe!
It is expected that there are half a million dead in the United States, far this year!
Cancer, one of the biggest killer of people nowadays. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, especially in the United States. Only in 2015 in the United States will be about one million and 657 thousand people, and from cancer will die almost half a million! Those are shocking figures of the National Institute of Health. And while mostly healing treatments are consist exclusively of chemotherapy and surgery, only a few physicians, will tell the truth about chemotherapy. One of them is Dr. Peter Gidden who gave his explanation of the study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. This study passed unnoticed even though it said it all!
Research published in the appreciated medical journal, in ignorance of the wider public, has confirmed that adult humans over a period of 12 years after receiving chemotherapy still don’t have cured cancer in 97% of cases! Nobody, except Dr. Giddelo was not raised the question, why then chemotherapy is still used? However, Dr. Gidden says that the reason is only one, and that is MONEY. Gidden said that not many know that chemotherapy drugs are unique and that doctors have to buy them from pharmaceutical companies and then to sell them to patients in order to make a profit. So, in this case there is no direct bribe, but doctors directly are profiting from chemotherapy, of course, only if they sell them!
“Chemotherapy is inefficient in 97% of cases. If Ford produced engines that explode in 97% of cases do you think that such a company will still operated? Certainly not, says Gidden, but this is not the case with the therapy that is killing people.
The Australian studies are dealing with effect of cytotoxic chemotherapy on the survival rate of five years on adults that are taking therapy, who are suffering from malignant diseases and was confirmed that the total effect of cytotoxic chemotherapy is 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the US. Thus it is clear that the contribution of chemotherapy in treating cancer is minor.
Gidden alleges the problem as one example of so-called health care system to which is more important the profit, rather than human health.
‘This is only the top of an iceberg of control that pharmaceutical industry has over us – says Gidden.
Another physician who shares a similar perspective is Dr. Leonard Coldwell. For him, the chemotherapy is a poisons gas to the medical system. “They bombard whole human organism and then they say to you that the cancer is in remission.
He notes that the statistics of cure rates of cancer is related to the survival within five years from the treatment.
‘Chemotherapy destroys all the biochemical and bioelectrical functions in the body, “says Coldwell. Due to the fact that your body does not function any more you no longer have any cancer, you think you’re cured. But over the years as the body recovers, the cancer is back and you’re dead, says Coldwell. ‘It is assault with a deadly weapon, he said and added that when someone is irradiating, it will cause scarring and scar never can become healthy tissue.
The problem lies in the manner in which physicians are trained. NO. PHYSICIANS NEVER LEARN HOW TO CURE PEOPLE, says Coldwell. They just learn how chemicals surgery or suppress the symptoms. They never deal with the causes. ‘
Coldwell also notes that among physicians the rate of suicides is increasing, as well as rate of addiction to alcohol and drugs. ‘Doctors eventually realize that they do not have any tools to help, just to kill their patients, “says Coldwell.
“When you are styding on Faculty of Medicine the first year or two are really excited, you are putting all possible effort, until you realize that whatever you do the patient’s condition is getting worse or self-heal. ‘Adds Coldwell who is convinced that many more disease can be cured if patients give up on chemotherapy, and look for an alternative solution, such as preventing the acidity of the body!
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