These Foods Can Be Deadly!!! Most Of Us Have Them In The Kitchen
A number of ingredients contained in processed foods can have extremely toxic effects on human`s health and can lead to serious health issues.
Here is a list of some of the most toxic foods:
Nutmeg has hallucinogenic properties. Just 5.5 grams of it can lead to cramps and 8 grams can even cause an attack. Moreover, only one nutmeg a day can lead to psychosis.
Rhubarb leaves are extremely toxic since they are loaded with oxalic acid which can lead to formation of kidney stones. When consumed in small amounts, it can lead to serious health problems, while 5 kg f the plant can have lethal consequences.
Potatoes with green skin are extremely toxic. These potatoes and their sprouts are loaded with glycoalkaloids, which can lead to diarrhea, coma and even death.
Tuna is highly toxic food because it contains mercury. When absorbed in the brain, mercury can cause serious brain damages. According to FDA, children and women should strictly avoid tuna.
There are two kinds of almonds: sweet and bitter. Bitter almonds are loaded with hydrogen cyanide, and 7 out of 10 nuts can lead to serious health problems in adults, and can have fatal consequences in children.
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