Your Fat And Brain Tissue Is Full Of Cancer-Causing Toxins.Here's How To Remove Them

When you don’t eat well, toxins can build up in your body and wreak havoc on your health, so you need to find a good way to get rid of them. The good news is that your body is good at detoxing, but it can easily become overwhelmed due to the volume of toxins in the air, water, food, pharmaceutical drugs, and many other sources. Even though our body has it’s own natural detoxification system, there is a lot we can do to give it a helping hand, largely by eating the right kinds of foods. An average person carries more than 700 known toxins in their body within all organ systems including blood, skin, brain tissue, liver, fat tissue and digestive tract. The risk of developing chronic illness and cancer is becoming higher with any of these toxins.

12 Strategies to Get the Best Detox Cleanse Possible

Here are 12 ways you can prepare to get the most benefit from your cleansing strategy:

  1. Limit your Carbohydrate Intake:

People may choose to reduce carbohydrate intake for a number of reasons. Those who suffer from type 2 diabetes should strive to balance the need for taking in enough carbohydrates to produce energy while limiting carbohydrate consumption to regulate blood sugar levels. Still others seek to control carbohydrate intake as a way of following a balanced diet that includes healthier foods. Whatever the reason, several strategies can be used to make sure the carbohydrate reduction produces the desired results without leading to a loss of essential nutrients.

  1. Allow Additional Time to Sleep:

Through a cleanse, individuals can begin to feel energized from the fast and may only be able to sleep up to 6 hours at one time. Be sure to take a nap during the day if your schedule allows or leave extra time in your night for receiving sufficient rest.

  1. Relax in the Sauna or Natural Sunlight:

Saunas are an effective tool for natural healing and prevention. Infrared light has the ability to penetrate human tissue which in turn produces a host of anti-aging health benefits making infrared saunas one of the “hottest” home therapies for overall healthier living. If you want to get yourself back into balance, an saunamay be the ticket to achieving your wellness goals.

  1. Stock Up on Organic Herbal Teas:

Treat yourself to a cup of Gipsy Hill Herbs’ hot Mulled Apple Juice this weekend – you won’t believe it hasn’t got wine in!  Made with our Immune Boosting Mulling Spices, the secret’s in the elderberries which are not only delicious tasting, but great for helping fight off winter coughs and colds.

  1. Get Rid of Waste Using Enemas:

Enemas are highly effective strategies are removing waste matter as well as toxins from the colon. Flushing out the toxins in your colon creates an environment for beneficial bacteria to flourish and stimulate the health of your whole body. Try a wheatgrass juice enema, organic coffee enema, or stick with a simple water enema to flush waste for your colon.

  1. Drink Fermented Beverages:

Relying too much on caffeine wreaks havoc on your focus and the quality of your sleep.  Stopping the caffeine will cause temporary headaches for the first couple of days.  It will help you to get eight hours of sleep each night.  This will aid in resetting your metabolism, as quality sleep is essential for optimizing weight-loss hormones like growth hormone and leptin.

  1. Eat Healthy Protein and Fats:

Eating a balanced diet loaded with healthy protein and fats is a great way to regulate blood sugar levels and avoid a spike in stress hormones during a detox. Prepare your body before a detox cleanse by eating such foods as grass-fed beef and butter, organic poultry and eggs, as well as olives and olive oil.

  1. Get Your Mind Right:

Cleanses can be difficult as they generate both mental and emotional triggers which can be challenging. Create a supportive environment by sharing your intentions with family and friends and approach the fast with peace of mind. A positive attitude reduces the number of stress chemicals in the body.  And, as the old saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.

  1. Hydrate with Plenty of Water:

After dry brushing, hop in the shower and alternate between 1-2 minutes of hot water and 30 seconds of cold. You can do this 3-5 times during your shower. If the cold is too unbearable at first, try lukewarm and work your way to cold. This type of hydrotherapy increases circulation and lymphatic flow, as well as boosts your immune system and metabolism. Once you get used to it, these shower cycles should actually feel pretty good!

  1. Practice Dry Brushing Before You Shower:

Dry brushing is a strategy which stimulates the movement of lymphatic fluid below your skin’s surface. Before you get into the shower, use a light bristle brush and in a circular motion, brush your skin starting with your toes and moving upwards towards your heart. Then, start from the neck and brush down towards the heart making sure to get all extremities. This gentle detox practice will remove dead skin cells and help open up pores before your shower.

  1. Avoid High Intensity Exercise:

High-intensity exercise may be even better than regular aerobic activities for many patients with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, pulmonary disease, arthritis and Parkinson’s disease. The studies strongly suggest that a more demanding but more efficient and often more enjoyable form of exercise known as high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is not only safe for most patients but more effective at preventing or reversing the deficits associated with many chronic ailments.

  1. Invest in a Shower Filter:

Did you realise your tap water is loaded with compounds which could disrupt your endocrine system (hormone levels) and cause damage to your body? Chlorine, fluoride and other compounds can prevent our bodies from working effectively, so by investing in water filters for your shower and drinking water, you are helping your body – it won’t have to filter out the chemicals anymore. Coppe in hard water can leave your hair dry and stripped, whilst chlorine could irritate sensitive scalps, causing flakiness and even hair loss. Chlorine can also be absorbed through the skin when you take a hot shower. Shower filters are simple to install and this is a great first step to daily detoxing.


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