Stop Hair Loss and Make It Grow Like ”Crazy” With This 2-Minute Homemade Recipe
Many people deal with hair loss. It can be a medical problem, a hygiene problem or a problem caused by using certain beauty cosmetic products. Moreover, aging can lead to hair loss.
These cosmetic products can worsen this problem because of their chemical content, which burns your hair and harms the scalp. An important tip is to reduce the use of hair straightener if you want your hair to grow faster and be healthier.
Instead spending too much money on buying different products for solving this problem, we offer you a natural mask that can be prepared at home. It is an effective hair mask that will improve your hair growth.
You will need these ingredients:
– 1 banana
– 1 egg
– 1 tablespoon of honey
– 1/2 cup of black beer
How to prepare this hair mask?
Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix them.
Then, apply the resulted mixture on your hair, cover it with a towel and let it work for 1-2 hours.
Rinse your hair as usual. Do this procedure once weekly for 1 month.
Why are these ingredients beneficial?
Vitamins B, A,C, E and minerals such as calcium, phosphor and azote are included in bananas. Moreover, this fruit has a great sugar content, which is important for your metabolism. In Ayurveda medicine bananas were known as “the golden fruits” and a nature’s secret for keeping youthful look. Recently, bananas are used more in cosmetology because of the great tryptophan quantity, the essential amino acid in bananas.
Eggs include vitamin B and D, which are needed for our body, hair and organism. Eggs are good for using them both as facial and hair masks, primarily because of their set of micro and macro elements, amino acids and lecithin..
Honeys helps the regeneration of hair, making it softer and easier to comb. Also, it heals hair from degradation triggered by the toxic factors in the environment.
Moreover, honey is part of facial cream, body lotions and hair masks. It is rich in vitamins C, A, D, K, B complex, organic acids, minerals, such as potassium, phosphor, chloride, sodium, etc.
Black beer
Black beer contains unfermented sugars, organic acids, mineral salts, vitamins, such as B1, B2, B6, and PP. It is rich in flavonoids.
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