Six Tips For Removing Earwax At Home

The substance called earwax is naturally found in the inner ear and it is responsible for protecting it from bacteria and other organisms or particles which can potentially harm this area. Moreover, this wax serves as natural lubricant for the ear canal and the ear.  if deposited in larger quantities, it can become irritating and annoying, and can lead to other symptoms like irritation, itching, dizziness, hearing loss or a feeling that there’s something stuck in the ear. Can be cleaned from the ear, but take care not to damage any of the sensitive parts of the ear while doing so.

Ear wax can cause irritation when there is a blockage or impaction due to its accumulation deep inside the ear canal. The wax gets pushed up deeper into the ear while inserting cotton swabs into it, hence,causing blockage and discomfort. You should be aware that cotton swabs for cleaning the ear canal are not effective at all. They push the earwax deeper in the ear canal. There it accumulates, which causes more serious obstruction.

Also, the frequent use of earplugs and earbuds may also increase the risk of excessive earwax accumulation.

In the case of earwax buildup, one can experience several symptoms, including:

  • Hearing loss
  • Earaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Feeling of clogged ear canal
  • Itching
  • Dizziness
  • Ear discharge

You need to clean the ears regularly, and thus avoid its blockage. Yet, you should never use Q-tips or other swabs.

These effective natural remedies can remove excess earwax:


Olive oil is an excellent ingredient when it comes to softening the earwax and easing its removal. You should put 2-3 drops of olive oil into the affected ear before bedtime. Sleep on the opposite side and let it work overnight. This treatment should be performed for 3-4 days in a row.


In a small bowl, combine equal parts of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol. Soak a cotton ball into the mixture and use it to apply a few drops of the solution to each ear.


This natural product can be found in any pharmacy and it is very effective when it comes to softening the earwax and facilitating its removal.  For optimum results, pour 4 drops in each ear, three times daily.


One of the safest and most effective home remedies for earwax removal is paraffin oil, which is sold in most pharmacies. All you need to do is heat two to three tablespoons of this oil over a candle flame. Drop a few drops in your ear and lie still for a few minutes. Then use warm water to rinse out any traces of wax. Do this for three days in a row to completely dissolve the buildup.



Hydrogen peroxide is another very effective remedy for excess earwax accumulation. Due to its effervescent property, hydrogen peroxide can remove the earwax and debris from the ear canal very easily. Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) and water. Fill an ear dropper with this solution. Tilt your head sideways and put a few drops of this solution into the ear. Leave it for some time, and then tilt your head towards the opposite side to drain out the solution. Using a clean cloth, remove the wax that you can see near the outer ear.


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