The combination of lemon and baking soda is proven that are stronger at killing cancer by chemotherapy, and that for 10,000 times. A simple recipe helps very much in the fight against cancer.

The scheme has followers around the world, and their health is proof of its effectiveness. It is important to know that a lot of the studies in oncology show something very important:

Cancer patients have strength in themselves and energy for self-healing with the help of positive thinking, just need to help the process.

The recipe:

240 ml of distilled or filtered water

1 tea spoon of baking soda

juice of one lemon

Mix and drink on an empty stomach. Keep the dilution three times a day.

Why this recipe is so successful?

Lemons have a strong anti cancer-causing effect. Has been proven that they kill cancer cells of 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas.

When you add to the lemon the soda effect is even greater because soda completely changes the pH of the body.


Source : http://runhealthylifestyle.com/